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Why African history is important to the global world
African history could be regarded as the record of the sum total of human activities and developments that had taken place over a...
I could look back at my life and get a good story out of it. It's a picture of somebody trying to figure things out.
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Ask any student who has gotten a grudge against history and the study of it, why he/she does not like the course and the response is...
*MARCH 15:* *44 BC* *Julius Caesar is stabbed to death by Brutus, Cassius and several other Roman senators on the Ides of March in Rome.* ...
I was reading random things on the internet last night and stumbled upon some things about Albert Einstein's wife. Some people say...
Isha Ife has four general committees/departments which includes ; Academic, Social, Media and Research . Each committee will be headed b...
African history could be regarded as the record of the sum total of human activities and developments that had taken place over a...