
Isha Ife has four general committees/departments which includes ; Academic, Social, Media and Research

Each committee is headed by an official called a Director.

Essentially, the primarily role of every committee is to carry out operational tasks of the association.

The following are the roles and duties of the committees:

 Academic Committee

The academic committee will provide a platform for its members to review , make suggestion  for  the topics that would be discussed or debated during the Assembly,  seminars or  any program initiated by the association that needs academic input, shall share documents of  history to members , interested members will be in charge of publishing academic articles on the blog and social media.

 Social Committee

This committee will be in charge of all social activities, the planning, and delivery, welfare of members and are subject to the task of improving the social life of members by initiating meaningful social programs. Interested members can also act as authors on Isha Ife blog and Facebook page.

 Media Committee

This committee  will work with the other committees and take care of their media requirements like Pictures, music,  Videos, They shall also be in charge of acquiring projectors for the Assembly, Seminars and other programs, social media and will assist the website developer in the blog affairs.

 Research Committee

The research committee will coordinate research into areas of local concern to Isha, will look for national and international opportunities for Isha and will disseminate information to the executives and committees on the latest and recent happenings in the Isha general scene and will develop and manage Isha ife projects, will promote the funding of Isha projects at the local and international level. It  work with the committees on any aspect of program that involves research.

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